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Tips and recommendations for android layouts <50 Android Hacks>

Hack 1: centering views using weights


- 使用androi:weightSum和android:layout_weight实现50%宽度.
- LineaLayout中用android:gravity:center属性实现居中.

Hack 2: Using layz loading and avoiding replication


- 使用<include layout="">标签实现布局引入.
- 在<include>标签中可以override included layout的root view的参数.如果需要override,layout_height/wight属性需要同时override,其他override的layout属性才会起作用.


通常情况下,我们动态控制某些布局的隐藏显示,都是直接控制它的visibility属性的,但如果这些布局始终是invisible,没有机会变visible,那就有些浪费了. 因为invisible的view,是有size的,在布局inflate的时候也是会有开销的.为了避免这种情况,可以使用实现lazy loading.

?为什么不用visibility = View.Gone?
因为visibility为Gone的view在view hierarchy中的开销还是要比ViewStub大.

A ViewStub is a dumb and lightweight view. It has no dimension, it does not draw anything and does not participate in the layout in any way. This means a ViewStub is very cheap to inflate and very cheap to keep in a view hierarchy.

ViewStub仅在inflate函数调用时,或被设为visible时,layout resource才会被inflate.并且viewStub会被inflated view替换掉.

ps:如果只是单个的view,可能不会发现性能有所提升,但当这个view的View Hierarchy比较大时,就能发现了.

Hack 3: Creating a custom viewgroup


使用custom viewgroup组织更好:

Hack 4: Preferences hacks

偏好设置.preferences framework.
